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Other dances in or near Gainesville FL

Videos of Dancing

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Several links to YouTube. These are 'restricted' and not available to the public, but they can be opened from this website.

To get full screen, start playing and then hover over the image and select the box at bottom right corner and click. Hmmm, I see that after you play any of the videos, YouTube automatically takes you to some unrelated video. I don't know of any way to prevent this. You can just ignore this, you may have to press 'Esc' first, and go on to the next on my webpage.

Parris Dance ('Ballroom Meets Country') - July 2017 at Rena's Ballroom

Videos posted a few weeks ago.

West Coast Swing:

Ray and Eileen Parris Dance of July 28 2012.

Below are several videos from recent dances. Videographer - Nelson blanchard.

Reset to 100 on July 7,2017 Unique hits only